Possibly, after much deliberation, they christened their little one as लता (LATA) by blending the first letter ल ( La) and ता ( Ta) of the two musical words लय ( LAya) and ताल ( TAal) respectively. The Laya (harmony) and the Taal (rhythm) in which the cherubic one ‘cried’ and ‘laughed’ must have left the blessed parents bemused and baffled and posed a challenge to give an apt name to their melodious mulgi (a girl in Marathi). But, imaginations often run amok and there’s no stopping them! Imaginations of a few crazy minds (like mine) say that these notes emanated from the melodic ‘cries’ and melodious ‘laughter’ of the first girl child born to the renowned Marathi actor-singer Master Dinanath Mangeshkar and Mai.

It is also said that the seven notes were traced in the Vedic literature particularly the Sama Veda.

The Sanskrit Sloka says that the seven musical notes Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Dha Ni originated from the calls and cries, chirps and chimes of various animals and birds.